We miss seeing our families, the hugs and kisses of grandchildren. We mourn for the anticipated loss of family gathered around the Easter dinner table. We grieve that we will not gather for the grand liturgical celebrations. Relegated to a screen to watch and pray, the trappings of worship may seem
flat. We long for the time when we can join together again.
It seems to be all
the more difficult as we enter into Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday
and Easter.
But there is another thought that has been emerging in the
silence of my prayer as I take notice of my longing for the crowds, the sights and smells of Liturgy, to receive the Eucharist, and the joys of family. It is a small
voice, but I do admit it is getting louder, especially as we enter into the
Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, the prison, the Praetorium, Calvary Hill
and ultimately, the Tomb.
What has come to me in this time of quarantine is this: Do I love all the trappings more or is
my desire truly centered and focused on the love of my Savior?
Jesus walked alone. While His Disciples were gathered around
the table and He prayed that they all may be one, their hearts were not
unified. One betrayed Him. One denied Him. Most ran away and hid. Only the
Beloved Disciple, Mary, His Mother, Mary Magdalene and a few other women stood in
consolation and unity with Him in His suffering.
But what if this time of quarantine, rather than a time of
mourning the loss of what was, was a time to listen to that small voice and ask
ourselves, "Who or what is truly the focus of our life and love?"
Do we love the Lord of Life or are we caught up with the
feelings and emotions of the crowds? Are we swept away with the liturgical music,
decorations and robes, or are we consumed with the love of the One who walked
the solitary path of His Passion, Death and Resurrection? Are we swept up in
the busyness of life or are we content to sit solely in His Divine Presence?
What if this time of quarantine is a time of God’s Mercy? What
if it is an opportunity to sit in the stillness and solitude of Jesus and
reflect on what truly moves our hearts and actions? What if it is a chance to consider
what we think is critically important in our lives and ask, “Does this lead me
ever closer to Jesus or is it an obstacle to that relationship?” What if this
is a time for us to take account of who or what we are truly in love with? What if it is a time to let go and be
swept ever more deeply by the Holy Spirit into the love that flows between
Father and Son?
Let us give thanks for this time of quarantine as a time of
quiet reflection, stripped of the distractions that often cause us to lose
focus. Jesus walked the path to Calvary alone, confident in the love of His
Father. Let us walk with Him. Let us give Him our anxieties and fears, knowing
that despite what looks like a hopeless end—the Cross and tomb and yes, even this
time of quarantine—are doorways to New Life.
Let us look at this time of isolation as an opportunity to
create a new normal, rich in mercy and love, forgiveness and peace as we grow
ever closer to Jesus.