In a time when we may think that people have grown beyond their need for religion; in a society where morals have gone awry, the saints remind us there is hope. You see, they lived in times very much like our own--yet--they were the Light of Christ in a time of darkness.
When you study the lives of Francis and Therese, they struggled in their faith. Neither walked the path to holiness perfectly. Both had to overcome great internal struggles, opening themselves up fully to the movement of the Holy Spirit and love of Christ. Both were chastised by those around them. Both were thought to be odd ducks. Both were bold and outspoken--each in their own ways. Both were profoundly moved by Christ's Love and Mercy. Both focused on the Cross as their salvation.
The 'recipe' to sainthood is oh so easy, but oh so difficult. Love Christ and be willing to lay your life down for Him. Love others just as you love Jesus. That's it in a nutshell. Having said that, we know only too well how hard it is to set aside our personal pride and desires to love unconditionally and without cost. That again is where the saints some in. Despite their struggles, they always chose Christ. Despite their doubts and fear, they always chose Christ. Despite their suffering, they always chose Christ.
Seems like it's pretty simple when you look at it that way. When faced with any decision, chose the path that Christ would take.
Pope Benedict XVI is declaring the Year of Faith to meditate--to contemplate what it truly means to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. During that time, the Synod for the New Evangelization will also meet. Once we have come to the realization of what true love is, how Christ has laid down His life for us so that we may know eternal salvation, once we have taken this to heart and profoundly wrapped our mind and heart around the magnitude of this reality, we will not be able to sit still. We will not be able to contain ourselves. We will be propelled forth to not only proclaim, but to love, just as Jesus did.
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